Browsing Category: Schuette

  • “Schuette has not released a road plan”

    Where Michigan governor candidates stand on fixing the roads — Road plan: Schuette has not released a road plan — Says his plan would raise: Undetermined. Schuette did not place a dollar figure on how much his roads plan would generate. — Quote: “Life’s about priorities,” Schuette said during a Republican debate in Detroit. “We need to make Michigan a …

    July 12, 2018
  • Calley slams Schuette, again

    Brain Calley has jabbed the front runner, Attorney General Bill Schuette, about purportedly politicizing his prosecutions of Snyder officials in the Flint water crisis investigation. He has criticized Schuette for selling inherited property in the Virgin Islands that supposedly violated his “blind trust” promise. And he has chided the attorney general for using staff to …

    July 12, 2018
  • Rep. Scott Dianda Wants Bill Schuette to Investigate High Gas Prices

    “As the state’s elected consumer protection advocate, AG Schuette has a responsibility to protect Michigan families,” said [Rep.] Dianda. “Frankly I am surprised he has not opened an investigation already. Instead of using his position to advocate for our hardworking families and seniors, too often we have seen he uses it for grandstanding in his …

    May 31, 2018
  • “Bill Schuette: Healthcare Killer” 

    Medicaid Recipients from Detroit, Flint blast Schuette’s plan to cut healthcare More than 100 low-income voters from Detroit and Flint will flood GOP gubernatorial candidate Bill Schuette’s state office Thursday, holding a “die-in” to protest his plan to cut healthcare for nearly 700,000 people who rely on the state’s expanded Medicaid program enacted under Republican …

    May 31, 2018
  • “Bill Schuette repeatedly used the Attorney General’s Office for personal and political gain” — Calley campaign

    Too ambitious? That’s in the past, AG Schuette says “From using taxpayer funds to pay for campaign field staff to using state employees to execute millions of dollars in offshore real estate deals while on the taxpayers’ time, Bill Schuette repeatedly used the Attorney General’s Office for personal and political gain,” Calley campaign spokesman Michael …

    May 25, 2018
  • Schuette financial disclosure: “$323,000 in checking accounts”

    Schuette financial disclosure shows assets total $13M — Schuette reported $6.5 million in the blind trusts. — He also listed “non-blind” assets . . . including two St. John parcels for sale for $4 million total, a one-third interest in an inherited family home on St. John shared with his two sisters and a $211,000 …

    May 25, 2018
  • Crain’s Detroit Business: “Schuette’s campaign did not respond” (TWICE)

    Schuette disclosures offer view inside Dow inheritance — But just how much Schuette ultimately paid in taxes for at least $2.4 million in proceeds from 2012 and 2013 land sales is unclear because he has not disclosed tax records from the trusts. Schuette’s campaign did not respond to a request by Crain’s to release the …

    May 25, 2018
  • Michigan Truth Squad: Calley’s ad would have been on far firmer ground declaring “Bill Schuette supported abortion rights”

    Brian Calley says Bill Schuette once supported abortion A 1990 Detroit News article referenced a 1984 interview Schuette gave to the newspaper where he was quoted as saying the decision to abort is “best made between the parties involved and their medical and religious advisers,’ although he added he personally opposed abortions and public spending …

    May 24, 2018
  • Schuette, Calley Clash As Campaign Heats Up

    “The rhetoric between Mr. Schuette and Calley has reached the point where it’s kind of personal,” Skubick said. “They’re killed him Shady Schuette and they’ve called him Clown Car Calley. It probably doesn’t get much worse that this, but we’ve got a long way to go before August.” Calley is chasing Schuette in the polls and wants …

    May 23, 2018
  • Schuette’s appeal puts “the interests of wealthy political donors ahead of everyday Michiganders.”

    Schuette will appeal court ruling that stopped funding for nonpublic schools Rep. Sam Singh, the House Democratic leader from East Lansing, said in a statement that Schuette’s appeal puts “the interests of wealthy political donors ahead of everyday Michiganders.” “I am disappointed that instead of fighting for the families of Flint or holding Enbridge accountable for …

    May 16, 2018
  • Bill Schuette’s “first instinct was to lie” — Brian Calley

    Brian Calley: Schuette’s land deals reveal his hypocrisy on transparency When confronted about his ownership interest in businesses that control a $40 million real estate development in the Virgin Islands, his first instinct was to lie. . . . So why didn’t he complete a personal financial disclosure for the assets not in trust? Maybe it’s …

    May 16, 2018
  • Colbeck: Electing Either Schuette Or Calley Would Mean “Politics As Usual.”

    In assessing his Republican opponents, Colbeck said electing either Schuette or Lt. Gov. Brian Calley would mean “politics as usual.” He points to hundreds of thousands of dollars Schuette has received over the years from political action committees representing corporations such as DTE Energy and Consumers Energy and said, based on that, consumers would have no hope …

    May 11, 2018
  • UPDATE >> Bill Schuette Used State Employees To Help Violate His Promise To Put Assets Into A Blind Trust

    Attorney General Bill Schuette has quietly made multimillion-dollar real estate transactions involving inherited oceanfront property in the U.S. Virgin Islands while in office and used state employees to complete one transaction in November 2016, documents show. . . . Schuette’s executive assistant, Lori Gay, notarized the transaction and the attorney general’s communications director, Andrea Bitely, and …

    May 11, 2018
  • MIGOP Debate: Undecided GOP Voters Slam Schuette & Calley

    As the debate aired, a group of six undecided Republican voters from Kent County was watching from the WOOD TV8 Media Arts Center at the Grand Rapids Art Museum. . . . They said they wanted to see substance, and most said they found it from the lesser-known candidates, Colbeck and Hines. . . . They …

    May 10, 2018